• Tall ships docked at Fort Trumbull during OpSail 2012.

  • The Coast Guard Barque Eagle docked at its home port in New London.

  • The Thames Base Ball Club of New London plays vintage ball at Fort Trumbull.

  • Crowds enjoy the surf and Summer sun at Ocean Beach Park.

  • Art lovers enjoy work at the annual Salon des Independants at Hygienic Galleries.

  • A fish-eye's view of the majestically renovated Garde Arts Theater.

  • A community parade passes City Hall on State Street.

  • A bustling Waterfront Park during SailFest.

  • A lone tug passes Harbor Light on a foggy day on the Thames River.

  • The Reducers rock the boardwalk at Ocean Beach.



New London City Hall
181 State Street
New London, CT 06320

PHONE (860) 447-5200
HOURS Monday-Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


The New London Police Department (N.L.P.D.) is committed to providing the highest quality of police services. Our mission is to empower our personnel to work in partnership with the community toward improving the quality of life within the City of New London through preserving peace, reducing fear, and providing an overall safe environment.


NOTICE: Private Duty Officer rates have increased as of July 1, 2022. Click here to hire an Officer


Citizens' Police Academy Application Period is now open!

Click Here for Application

The Academy will take place Thursday nights from April 13, 2023 through June 15, 2023

Applications due by March 17, 2023 - See the application for further details and contact info!


  • Chief of Police

Brian M. Wright

  • Assistant to the Chief of Police

Lori Robinson

  • Administrative Secretary

 Bethany Huntley




Non-emergencies- Please call
Emergency Communications Center
(860) 447-5269 x0


A Message From Chief of Police 

 Brian M. Wright

"Here at the New London Police Department we strive for excellence in our service to the residents, the stakeholders, and the visitors of our extraordinary community. As a Department, we are always evaluating our performance: What are we doing? Why are we doing it? How are we doing it? We’re using our experiences of yesterday and today to create better service practices for the future. We are committed to providing the best possible services to meet the needs of our diverse and unique community.


I invite you to browse our site to acquaint yourself with our organization, our mission, and our commitment to our great community. The personnel of New London Police Department are proud to be a part of the New London community, to serve you with our best effort each and every day, and we appreciate your support as we continue to work on your behalf, and with you, to keep New London safe.When you see an officer outside of a call, or after one they’ve serviced, I encourage you to introduce yourself to them. Relationships help us to effectively serve our community, and it’s great getting to know our neighbors, our family, along the way." 
Yours in Service,
Brian M. Wright, Chief of Police  




For information on COVID19 please visit CDC.gov or CT.gov/DPH

To report non-violent/non-emergency incidents, please utilize our 
online reporting system